Research Support News

[Online Seminar] How to improve your oral presentation skills (Jan. 28)

Research Support


In addition to writing and submitting manuscripts to academic journals, scientists also share the results of their research at conferences.
Oral presentations are an effective way to update researchers working in the same field on the progress of a particular research project.
However, most scientists are intimidated by the thought of standing in front of an audience and delivering a presentation alone.
Based on nearly 35 years of experience working one-on-one with Japanese scientists during their preparations for attending a conference, this seminar will provide practical advice that will increase your confidence to deliver an oral presentation.

Online Workshop “How to improve your oral presentation skills”

Date & Time: Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 18:00-19:00

How to participate: Access the URL described in the connection guide sent after application at the scheduled time

Participation environment: A PC with Internet access and an environment where you can listen to audio is required. * Zoom will be used.

Lecturer: Mr. Greg Adams (Forte Co., Ltd.)

Language: English

Content: This seminar will provide practical advice on the essential steps to take before delivering an oral presentation at an academic conference.

    • How to prepare effective presentation materials
    • Methods to use for improving your presentation
    • How to prepare for the Q&A session

How to apply: Please enter the necessary information from the “Application Destination” at the URL below. After applying, you will receive an email with connection instructions.
After applying, you will receive an email with connection instructions.

Contact: Ochanomizu Library


In addition, we are planning to hold future seminars on English papers as follows.
February 18 (Tue) The Secret to Successful Paper Revising: Tips for Responding to Reviewer’s Comments Correctly